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Clarisse Abelarde - Corporeal

Clarisse Abelarde - Corporeal

Oil on Canvas

60 in x 48 in


About the artist:

Clarisse Abelarde received a BFA in drawing and painting at CSU Long Beach. The work deals with issues of modern representation, while their subject matter expresses the impact of social and digital media on identity, featuring themes of displacement and disorientation. Fragmented reality and obsessive or addictive behaviors threaten human psychology, leading to body image issues, depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. The act of painting is a refusal to use technology and is instead a physical representation of the mind's inner workings. The work explores notions of self-representation and the difference between the internal self and the external mask.



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Regular price $16,000.00
Regular price Sale price $16,000.00
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